Annual Dinner Dance and Awards Night
Congratulations to all awards winners at last night’s function at the La Mon Hotel and Country Club. The full list of award winners and photographs of those there to receive their awards is below.
Team of the Year 2nd XI
Most Improved Young Player (U18) Patrick Smith
Most improved player in the Club Matthew Bruce
Top goal scorer Will be awarded at the AGM
4th XI Player of the Year Guy McGonigle
3rd XI Player of the Year Robin McMullan
2nd XI Player of the Year James Shields
Best newcomer Johnny Campbell
Under 15 Player of the Year Rory Cunningham
Under 18 Player of the Year James Shields
1st XI Player of the Year Phil Wilson
Club Member of the Year Stevie Magee
1st XI Player of the Year Rachel Andrews
2nd XI Player of the Year Rhiannon Davies
3rd XI Player of the Year Helena Press
4th XI Player of the Year Natalie Harrison
5th XI Player of the Year Charlotte Cairns
Young Sports Person Award Rebecca Webster & Jessie Patton
Billy Allen Trophy Sophie Leckey
Coaches Cup Caitlin Taylor & Rachael Murphy
Top goal scorer Jenna Pliauga
Miller Award Rebecca Murdock
Team of the Year 1st XI & 2nd XI
Club Member of the Year Judith Orr