Death of Heather Thompson (Twinkle) – Funeral arrangements
We are sorry to learn today of the death after a period of illness of Heather Thompson. Heather was better known to many, and in fact only known to most, as Twinkle. She was a major character in our Club playing from the late 1960s into the 1980s and, apart from playing on the first eleven, was a stalwart of the various ladies tour teams including the mixed tours to the Isle of Man. Generally speaking if there was mischief about, Twinkle was in the middle of it. We send our sympathies to the family circle which of course extends to Club members Nikki Ferris and Erin Gamble.
There will be a committal service for Twinkle at 1.00 pm on Monday 30 October at 1.00 pm at Comber Cemetery on Newtownards Road, Comber and this will be followed by a remembrance service at Gilmore Funeral Directors on The Square in Comber at 2.00 pm.