
And now it’s TOM DONNAN’S turn!

Our latest profile is Tom Donnan’s turn.  Who would have thought that tennis would feature so much?

When and where did you first play hockey?

At Ards Leisure Centre in September 2005 in my first year of school at a session taken by Chris Speers!

Have you played for any other hockey clubs?


How long have you been at North Down?

I started playing for North Down when I was 13 or 14 at U15 level. So approx 13 years!

Do you have any personal ambitions in hockey?

Just being able to keep on playing! Unfortunately injury (gammy hips) has got in the way slightly but I believe I have finally found my calling at sweeper, doing as little running/marking as possible.

What has been your best moment at North Down?

The bus journey back from the first eleven winning the Irish Trophy in 2017. My first silverware won for the club and the celebrations, from what I remember, were second to none.

Who has been your favourite player to play with at North Down and why?

Paul Ritchie.  Having played with him at school we formed a psychic bond although most of the time he skinned the pitch and passed to me for a back post tap in. An unreal player who will hopefully be back in a North Down shirt in the near future!

What is your least favourite team to play against?

*****…is an explanation required?!  Any guesses??

Who in your North Down team would you want, and who not, on your quiz team?

Absolutely would have Paul Beaney on the team, absolutely would not have Greg Bell though, about as sharp as a spoon.  Cracking haircut though, love you really Greg!

Do you follow a particular football team?


What other sports are you interested in and do you play any other sports?

I used to fancy myself as a tennis player and was once a ball boy in a match between John McEnroe and Bjorn Borg but will try my hand at anything. Are pints at the cricket club a sport?!

What is your favourite personal sporting moment and a favourite all time sporting one? Favourite personal sporting moment was playing in the U14 tennis interpros for Ulster. I was only a wee squirt but remember it seeming a pretty big deal at the time! My favourite all time sporting moment is the Roger Federer 2019 Wimbledon win, nothing particularly significant about it but insane that he continues to be the best in the world this far into his career.  The GOAT!

What is the best holiday you have ever had?

Touring the east coast of the United States with a few fellow club members in 2017 – Gareth Bailie, Gareth McBride, Stephen Dalzell and Mikey Orr with a cameo from Jordan McKee. Despite the company it was a brilliant trip!

Where is your ideal holiday location?

Barcelona.  I like both beach holidays and city breaks so Barcelona is the perfect combo of both.

What type of music do you like?

Personally I believe I have impeccable taste in music but feedback hasn’t been so positive when I’m handed the AUX cord.  Anything from Red Hot Chill Peppers to Foy Vance to The Arctic Monkeys to Mac Miller.

What is your favourite TV programme?

Still Game (no judgement please). Anyone who hasn’t seen it, get yourself onto Netflix and you can thank me later. Jimmy and Mitchy are the two leads in the show. (I’m leaving that comment in, I assume it’s a compliment – JP).

What is your favourite movie?

Whiplash. My dad was a music teacher so I find the film quite relatable, getting shouted at to practice my scales on a daily basis. All paid off though as I eventually managed to get my Grade 1 in trombone, couldn’t have done it without you dad!

What is your favourite food and drink?

Food has to be Wagamamas.  Drink has to be milk (non-alcoholic) and Heineken (alcoholic)

If you could invite four people, living or dead, to a dinner party who would they be?

Barack Obama what a legend, Emily Ratajkowski for no particular reason, Roger Federer the greatest sportsman of all time and of course Phil Templeton North Down’s resident party starter, as long as he keeps his top on.

What have you been doing to stay fit during the coronavirus break?

I have increased the number of times I walk between the sofa and the fridge by 300%. That along with the odd 5k run.

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