Annual Subscriptions for 2024/25

Category of MembershipFull RateDiscounted Rate if Paid by 30th September 2024
Senior Playing Member£280.00£260.00
Under 21 Member£250.00£230.00
Resident Student Member£220.00£200.00
Junior Member (Under 18 on 1 Oct 24)£190.00£170.00
Minor Member  £120.00
Youth Member  £120.00
Family Membership (*)£450.00£430.00
Non Playing Member £40.00

(*) Family membership is defined as –  One or more parents, of whom at least one should be a senior playing member, plus any children under 18 in the household.

Subscriptions are due on 1 September 2024 and MUST be paid by 31 October 2024.  Members, except those in the Minor or Youth categories,  whose subscriptions are unpaid by 31 October 2024 will be suspended and not selected until payment has been made. 

Important Information: Hockey Ireland Membership

All playing members, new members and casual players must re-register their annual membership with Hockey Ireland. The fees have increased and are now price locked for the next three seasons through 2026/27. The fees are as follows: Senior membership (players 18+) is £26 and Junior membership (players under 18) is £17.50. To register or re-register, please visit

Subscriptions to North Down may be paid by:

Electronically directly into our bank account.  Sort code 98-04-45, a/c 64788082.  Please ensure that your payment can be identified to you.  Three or four payments between July and September will spread the load at the discounted rate or you can set up a 12 monthly payment also at the discounted rate.

Cash or Cheque.  Make your cheque payable to ‘NORTH DOWN HOCKEY CLUB’ and pass the payment to either your team captain or Kathryn Rogers, Honorary Treasurer.

We do not operate a ‘pay and play’ system as an alternative to paying a full sub!  However. we will consider this option for a senior member who is only able to play occasionally, in which case the match fee payable on the day is £15.00.

Re youth coaches. Each youth section category has a costs budget and youth coaches will receive an appropriate reduction to their annual subscription in line with the budgets.

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