Promising start but defeat for the fourths against Armagh first eleven!
A significant game in many ways- Armagh 1s were recently installed as a Junior League team, having competed in the Intermediate League until now- and we had the pleasure of being their first competitive opposition, and competitive we were in the opening League Cup game at Regent House!
3-0 flattered the Armagh side who were put through their paces by a new-look 4s which included 3x U15 graduates Sam Shaw, Luke Miller and James Webber alongside welcome returners Pete Bond and Johnny Burch. The list of debutants was completed by the experienced heads of Jonny Campbell (formerly CIYMS) and Marc Bennet (GK) (formerly Portrush).
The new team gelled beautifully and remained positive and competitive throughout, aided in no small part by the cool head of 2s migrant Paul Adgey, who was clearly in buoyant form following the 2s win against Mossley! Solid performances from the ever-reliable Stevie Barr, David Burch, Guy McGonigle(also fresh from a shift for the 2s!) , Simon Wilcock, Andrew Haire and Kyle Frazer meant that although the result didn’t go our way this week, the positives outweighed the negatives by some distance setting us up well for our midweek fixture against Annadale on Wednesday.
Well done guys, proper good effort.
Burch Autos Man of the Match was Steven Barr