
Profile …………. BEN BOND

Ace striker and erstwhile goalkeeper Ben Bond is next in line to reveal all …………….

When and where did you first play hockey?

Strandtown Primary School.

Have you played for any other hockey clubs?

Annadale at junior level.

How long have you been at North Down?

Since 2015.

Do you have any personal ambitions in hockey?

To win lots of trophies and maybe a cameo outfield game for the firsts.

What has been your best moment at North Down?

The bus home from winning the IHT in Dublin, then the dinner dance that night.

Who has been your favourite player to play with at North Down and why?

Paul Revill and Matt Murray. Always a good laugh.

What is your least favourite team to play against?

****** HC. Always a feisty affair. Cockwombles. (Sorry)

Who in your North Down team would you want, and who not, on your quiz team?

Chris Drysdale, intelligent enough. Jonny Green – as useful as a man short.

Do you follow a particular football team?


What other sports are you interested in and do you play any other sports?

Would watch a lot of sport. Play 7 aside football.

What is your favourite personal sporting moment and a favourite all time sporting one? Personal – conceding 2 penalty flicks in a minute against Bangor for school. All time – Liverpool Istanbul 2005 or Liverpool against Barcelona 2019.

What is the best holiday you have ever had?

Skiing with friends. Portugal with Family.

Where is your ideal holiday location?

Portugal or the French Alps. Time of year depending.

What type of music do you like?

Old School Dance.

What is your favourite TV programme?

Breaking Bad

What is your favourite movie?

Shawshank Redemption.

Have you a favourite book you have read again?

Favourite book – the bookies? If that counts… William Hill preferably.

What is your favourite food and drink?

Favourite food would be fillet steak. Favourite drink – anything alcoholic.

Full cream, semi-skimmed or skimmed milk?

Semi-skimmed. Don’t trust anyone who drinks the others. Freaks.

If you could invite four people, living or dead, to a dinner party who would they be? Samuel L Jackson, Elon Musk, Gordon Ramsay (he’d be cooking) and Will Smith.

What have you been doing to stay fit during the coronavirus break?

Running (to and from the kitchen for food).

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